
SCPI Commands

class IntervalCls[source]

Interval commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands

get() float[source]
# SCPI: LOG:INTerval
value: float = driver.log.interval.get()

Selects the logging measurement interval. The measurement interval describes the time between the recorded measurements.


sample_interval: Numeric value in seconds. - 0: Logs a new measurement.

set(sample_interval: float, return_min_or_max: MinOrMax = None) None[source]
# SCPI: LOG:INTerval
driver.log.interval.set(sample_interval = 1.0, return_min_or_max = enums.MinOrMax.MAX)

Selects the logging measurement interval. The measurement interval describes the time between the recorded measurements.

param sample_interval:

Numeric value in seconds. - 0: Logs a new measurement.

param return_min_or_max:

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